What is the most important factor affecting sleep quality?

What is the most important thing that affects sleep? 

It's not staying up late after chasing a game, it's not eating too much before going to bed, it's snoring.

According to the world health organization, 27 percent of people around the world suffer from sleep problems, that is, at least one in every four people. For snorers, "snoring like thunder" does not mean sleeping soundly. Research shows that snoring at night and sleepiness during the day can greatly increase the risk of three highs, heart disease, and brain damage. Snoring is a common sleep phenomenon, which most guys think it is nothing weird. In fact, snoring is an important factor affecting sleep health. Sleep apnea means repeatedly suspended snoring, resulting in severe hypoxia of brain and blood, which could induce hypertension, cerebral heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. It should be noted that sudden death occurs when the duration of apnea exceeds 120 seconds.

The danger of snoring

1)Face aging for female

Long-term snoring causes obstruction of air and blood flow, resulting in facial skin relaxation, bad breath, irregular menstruation, easy aging, and other symptoms. Looking older than the woman really is.

2)Mental weakness for female

A woman who snores could make people close to her disgust and affect her wife-husband's life. Female with heavy mental stress, excessive night snoring stress may lead to mental weakness during daytime work.

3)Unhealthy lifestyle for male

Unhealthy habits such as alcoholism and smoking can also cause sleep apnea. Snoring causes blood hypoxia in the body, which affects multiple organs throughout the body. Insufficient blood oxygen in male sexual organs can lead to "hypoxia" of this organ, thus affecting the normal life of couples.

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