
How to Set up O2Ring on Vihealth App

1. Wellue O2Ring App Download

Search and download Vihealth App (the newest version) from Google Play(Android) or App Store(iOS).

2. Sign up/Log in Your Vihealth Account

Log in, sign up (for new user) or use the Local Mode to enter the Vihealth. Local mode will ONLY store data locally, and your data could be backed up in the cloud with the Account mode.

3. Edit User Infomation And Add Users

Edit your user infomation to get detailed analysis(for special products), the latest version of VihealthApp can support multi-user data management, and the information of up to 10 members can be stored under one account.

4. Connect O2Ring with Vihealth

Turn on your O2Ring and enbale your Bluetooth of your phone, then add the device to your Vihealth app.


5. How to Set up SpO2/PR Reminder

O2 Reminder

Set up your O2 Reminder threshold separately on the Device/App.

PR Reminder

Set up your PR Reminder threshold (lowest and highest) separately on the Device/App.

Offline Reminder

Alert when device is offline.

Vibration intensity settings

Set up device vibration intensity within 5 modes(Very Weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, Very Strong). 

6. Device Settings

Screen Mode

Set the device to always-on mode or standard mode (requires touch to wake up)

Screen Brightness

Set up your screen brightness within 3 modes.

7. Historical Data Trends

View O2 Score, Lowest O2, Oxygen Drops for a certain period in historical data trends.

8. Check History Data And Export Report





P1:Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to view the O2/PR value at a certain time.

P2:Click the share icon in the upper right corner to share data.

P3:  Choose to share the data report in the form of PDF,CSV,Binary.

P4:  Data report in PDF format, you can zoom in to see the details or edit the reports.

9. Integration with Apple Health/Fitbit


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  • Where are the shared pdf records stored? How do I access them to email?

    Frederic Gibbs
  • I have compared the ring to the oximeter at my doctor’s office and pulmonary rehab and it almost never matches. Even if I put both devices on same hand or even same finger, the readings are different.

  • The time on my O2 ring is incorrect. How do I fix it?

    Betty Matlock
  • La aplicación en mi teléfono móvil muestra toda la información y todos mis registros solo en chino. Cómo puedo pasar al español o, al menos, al inglés? Al figurar todo en chino no sé cómo hacerlo.

  • Why can’t I listen to music while on the dashboard screen?

    Kimberly Butler

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