Frequently Asked Questions

Who will need this portable 12-lead ECG machine?

  • Primary Health Care
  • Diagnostic Labs
  • Clinics
  • Outreach Hearts (where the physician need to take Cardiac Diagnostic Services to rural and remote areas)
  • School-based Health Center
  • EMS Professional, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)
  • Nurse
  • EETI: Emergency Educational Training Institute
  • Emergency Medicine Specialists
  • Cardiology Specialist
  • Preventive Medicine Physician who accepts telehealth appointments
  • Telemedicine Providers
  • Medical Office
  • Professionals for home visits

How many languages can the device display?

8 languages: Chinese, English, Español, Português, Français, русский язык, Italiano, Deutsch.

Select the language on the [System Setup].

How long can the 12-lead pocket ECG machine run after one full charge and how do I recharge it?

It can continuously work for 24 hours after being one fully charged, ideal for long-hour shifts and patient monitoring. To recharge, simply connect the machine to an external DC power supply or use the included charging cable.

What are the benefits of Glasgow Resting ECG Algorithm?

The Glasgow ECG Interpretation Algorithm developed at the University of Glasgow, UK enables automated means of providing ECG analysis complementing the role of a physician. The algorithm accounts for age, gender and race and compares the ECG with historic data to arrive at specific interpretations. The Glasgow ECG Interpretation algorithm meets all the IEC 60601-2- 51 requirements and ISO 9001:2008 standards.
  • Helps in QTc measurements facilitating assessment of cardiac risk.
  • Highly effective in interpreting STEMI (ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction).
  • Can utilize V4R for neonates and children.
  • Offers short diagnostic reports for hospitals and detailed reports for primary care settings.
  • Critical values included in diagnostic reporting template.
  • Pocket ECG machine combines complete data with sophisticated proprietary algorithms for comprehensive statistical analysis.

What are the function features of the 12-lead ECG machine?

  • Portable design, compact in size with low weight, easy for carry.
  • Color touch screen, easy to operate.
  • Can be powered by an external DC power supply or a built-in rechargeable lithium battery.
  • Support synchronous acquisition and display of 6-lead / 12-lead waveform, as well as heart rate detection.
  • Provide ECG algorithm to automatically analyze the acquired ECG waveform, output measured values and diagnosis results.
  • Support auto mode and R-R mode.
  • Provide 5 sampling modes: pre-sampling, real-time sampling, periodic sampling, trigger sampling and R-R.
  • Support automatic pacing detection and marking.
  • Support ADS (Anti-drifting system) and EMG (electromyograph) interference.
  • Accurately identify the electrode with poor contact and give instructions.
  • Input patient information via full keyboard and barcode scanning.
  • Freeze the ECG waveform on the screen.
  • Output files in multiple formats, such as Carewell ECG, PDF, BMP, DAT.
  • Auto-saving function: save the ECG data when the report is printed.
  • Store, preview, review, edit, export, print and search patient data.
  • Support wireless transmission of ECG data via Wi-Fi network.
  • Print ECG reports through an external printer.
  • Export patient data to USB drive via USB connector.

What does the ECG report include?

A report usually includes waveform area, patient information area, measurement parameter area, diagnosis result area. You can also select to print the average template (only available for 6-lead) and measurement matrix information.

Measurement parameters include:

HR (Heart rate) (bpm), P Duration (ms), PR Interval (ms), QRS Duration (ms), QT/QTc Duration (ms), P/QRS/T Axis (°), RV5/SV1 Amplitude (mV), RV5+SV1 Amplitude (mV), RV6/SV2 Amplitude (mV)

Diagnosis result:

Shows the auto diagnosis result.

Average template:

Gives the average value of 10s acquired ECG signal of each lead.

Measurement matrix:

Gives 14 measurements of each lead, including:

P amplitude (mV), Q amplitude (mV), R amplitude (mV), S amplitude (mV), T amplitude (mV), ST1 amplitude (mV), STJ amplitude (mV), ST20 amplitude (mV), ST40 amplitude (mV), ST60 amplitude (mV), ST80 amplitude (mV), Q duration (ms), R duration (ms), S duration (ms)

Is the 12-lead pocket ECG machine compatible with network printers?

What is ADS and how does it work?

ADS stands for Anti-drifting System, which helps to reduce the effects of baseline drift on the ECG waveform. It works by automatically adjusting the baseline to compensate for any changes in the signal.

Drift filtering, EMG filtering, AC filtering and low-pass filtering makes the ECG signal stable and noise free, cause no distortion to the natural shape of the ECG waveform. 

Can the machine detect abnormal heart rhythms?

Yes, the ECG algorithm can automatically analyze the acquired waveform and detect abnormal heart rhythms, providing measured values and diagnosis results.

How to send ECG reports to email box via the 12-lead ECG machine?

Please refer to the guide.

How to find the saved EKG files?

Please choose the date first on the [File]:

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