Frequently Asked Questions

How to switch the device on and off?

It will automatically power on when wearing, stop working immediately when taking off.

How long does each measurement take?

At least 10 minutes, no more than 24 hours.

How can I download the PC software/Mac App?

The package comes with a USB drive with the analysis software (ECG Browser). Just insert the USB drive into your computer and download the software. The second way is download the PC software or Mac App on this page :

Will the user be able to view the recording as beat-by-beat ECG?

Yes. You can view the ECG record with the PC software after each measurement. Just download the PC software and connect the device to the computer to view the ECG/EKG waveform and get the report.

Does the ECG Recorder with AI Analysis have ANT+ Connection?

We're sorry that ECG Recorder doesn't support ANT+ connection.

How many records can the device store?

The device can store 10 ECG/EKG records, 30 hours in total. Each ECG/EKG record can up to 24 hours.

Can I use ECG Recorder with pacemaker at the same time?

The pacemaker will affect ECG/EKG analysis. Please let your doctor interprets ECG/EKG if you use ECG Recorder with pacemaker at the same time.

What information does the ECG analysis software/Mac App provide?

On free PC software or Mac App, you can download ECG waveform and detail reports including overview (6 items, such as Total number of heartbeats, Percentage of atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation), supraventricular rhythm (8 items, such as Couplet of PAC, Total Number of Supraventricular Heart Beats), ventricular rhythm (8 items, such as Total Number of Ventricular Heart Beats, Number of PVC), HRV (10 items, such as SDNN, RMSSD), ECG report conclusion (5 items), hourly statistics table of ECG data, and ECG Fragment.

Why are my records always showing as "Analyzing" on the PC software/Mac App? What can I do?

We're so sorry about that. This situation occurs sometimes because of system maintenance. Please try to delete the record and upload the data again. If still always showing "Analyzing", please contact our support team at Thank you for your understanding.

Comparision - What are the differences between the ECG Recorder and ECG Recorder with Screen?

Compared to the ECG Recorder, the ECG Recorder with Screen has the following highlighted features:

a. Built-in screen: Users can check their electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements at any time.

b. Touch key design: Users can independently control the power switch, extending battery life.

c. Offers a 72-hour version for ECG/EKG monitoring, allowing for longer continuous ECG monitoring.

d. Stronger battery life: The battery capacity has increased from 90mAh to 240mAh, supporting 168 hours of continuous monitoring.

e. AI analysis via the app: Users can upload their ECG data to the mobile app for AI analysis via data cable or Bluetooth, making operation simpler and more convenient.

f. Larger memory: Supports a total of 72 hours (10 sets) of memory, while the ECG Recorder supports only a total of 30 hours (10 sets) of memory.

Comparision - 24-Hour ECG Recorder VS 12-Lead Holter Monitor

There already have been some studies that compared the arrhythmia-detecting abilities of the classic Holter monitor with that of the new 24-Hour ECG Monitor. Those studies showed that a single-lead ECG recorder continuously recording ambulatory ECG is suitable for detecting cardiac arrhythmias in patients referred for dynamic ECG monitoring. The classic Holter monitor is rented from the hospital for limited 24 hours, while the single-lead ECG monitorr is bought by the patients and can be used for a longer time. During the first 24 hours, the multi-lead Holter detected more arrhythmia events than the single-lead ECG monitor. However, since patients would not mind wearing the ECG monitor with patches or chest straps for a relatively long period of time, the portable device was able to detect more ECG events than the bulky Holter. Thus you can see the feasibility of 24-Hour ECG Monitor with AI Analysis. One day, this compact and portable ECG monitor will play a big role in ambulatory ECG monitoring. It is not to replace the Holter and doctor's analysis, but is to help doctors diagnose quicker and help patients know their hearts better so as to prevent the serious condition.

How can I get more electrode pads for replacement?

How can I get more chest straps for replacement?

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